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Avoiding the Quarantine Fifteen

Updated: May 29, 2020

By Stephanie Lau

You might have heard of the infamous “Freshman Fifteen,” referring to the dreaded fifteen pounds that many incoming freshman students gain during their first year of college. Yikes. However, people stuck in shelter-in-place currently face a different challenge: Quarantine Fifteen.

Basically the same idea as the Freshman Fifteen, Quarantine Fifteen refers to the increasing amount of weight people are gaining due to the unhealthy habits they’ve developed within the comfort of their own home. Not to fear, you can definitely avoid the gains (not the good kind) by simply doing exercises at home; there’s tons of them!

Trending on Youtube and Tiktok, Chloe Ting provides a variety of free workout programs that anyone can follow at anytime. Her most popular program, the Two Weeks Shred Challenge, comprises of four to five of her Youtube workouts each day and has encouraged many people to track their progress over a short time span. In fact, I took it upon myself to follow her videos and complete the two-week-long trial; long story short, it was rough, but definitely worth it. However, Ting isn’t the only Youtuber who provides their viewers with quality workout content. To browse at your own leisure, below is a list of some creators to check out for yourself. Together let’s avoid quarantine fifteen!

  • MadFit

  • Pamela Reif

  • Sami Clarke

  • Blogilates

  • Natacha Oceane

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