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Clean Boxes

Updated: May 29, 2020

By Austin Lin

As the shelter-in-place order takes its toll on my sanity, I’ve resorted to retail therapy and food delivery to sate my hopes to go outside. As I’m sure many others have taken a similar route, whether it’s shopping for groceries or other supplies, it’s important to keep in mind to sanitize these items before they enter your home.

To preface our cleaning procedure, let's first tackle some common rookie mistakes. First and foremost, wearing gloves doesn’t mean you don’t need to wash your hands. Gloves can’t protect you from everything; washing your hands with soap makes all the difference! Additionally, when handling your takeout or online orders make sure to prevent cross-contamination by touching your face, phone, or any other electronics.

Before handling any objects from outside your home, remember to put on gloves. Take your container or package and wipe it down with a disinfecting wipe. However, make sure the chemicals in the disinfectant wipe will be effective in killing the virus—the Environmental Protection Agency has also published a list cataloging the most effective products. If it is a package, remove the item from the box, then discard the box. If possible, let the item sit on a window sill, patio, or balcony for one to three days to ensure that even if there are remnants of the virus still remaining, they will be small in concentration and will not be a threat. On the other hand, if your item is perishable, such as a takeout meal or delivery, sanitize the container, then transfer the food into a clean plate and discard the original packaging. Once you are done, make sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds or more to ensure you don’t spread potentially particles of the germ throughout your home.

Although this might seem overkill, it’s important to stay safe and healthy during these times. It may seem arbitrary but, taking a few precautionary steps goes a long way for the safety of you and your families. Stay safe.

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