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Creative Shirts!

By Alessandra Kelly

List of Items:

- Heavy Items (Weights)

- Acrylic paint

- Textile medium

- Shirt(s) (any color you desire)

- Flat hard surface

- Tape

- Cardboard


Wash shirt before use. If necessary, work out a sketch before painting.

1) Prep your area by creating a proper setting in which you won’t get paint on unwanted areas.

2) Have cardboard or anything similar present in order to place a divider between the two layers of the shirt.

3) Then, stretch the shirt to lay flat and even.

4) Decide the size of the area you wish to paint! I recommend a smaller rectangular area to first start off with.

5) Then, measure the size of the area you wish to paint to determine where any tape is necessary to avoid any other areas of having paint on the surface.

Then… have fun!!! Paint to your heart’s desire :)

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