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The Dynamic Davis

Updated: May 23, 2020

By Enya Walker

Name: Robin Davis.

Years in education: 29 years.

Subjects taught: Biology, AP Biology, Integrated Science, Anatomy, Living Sea, Wildlife of the World, Marine Ecology, Earth Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Cross-Training.

Schools taught at: Scotts Valley Middle School, Dana Hills High School, Durango High School, Del Mar High School, and Westmont High School.

Favorite lesson/book/unit: Evolution!!!

How many years at Westmont: 12 years.

How will you spend your retirement: I am interested in working for the California Parks as either a naturalist interpreter or environmental scientist. I plan to go on many hiking and biking adventures, play tournament Pickleball, read, and take art classes.

Favorite Westmont memory: In my second year of teaching at Westmont, my students were simulating plate movement using corn syrup and wood blocks. In order to get the wood blocks to move, they had to heat up the corn syrup. The results were spectacular in that they really did simulate volcanoes, heat, the movement of the plates. Unfortunately, when the fire alarm went off and the entire school had to evacuate, the lesson was shut down. The room was a bit smokey.

What will you miss about Westmont: I will miss my students who were open to trying things in class that put them out of their comfort zones, those students who willingly waded thigh deep into the San Tomas Aquino creek (on campus) to check things out, and those students who came to class with such love and enthusiasm for learning. I will also miss my science department. They are the best!

What did students teach you? Patience and how to be open to accepting them as they are.

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