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A New Chapter

Updated: May 29, 2020

By Aidan Weiss

Looking at these last four years of my life, I have come to realize how much I have changed. The first one is obvious: my height. Coming in freshman year, I stood a whopping 5'2, but luckily I managed to have a pretty decent growth spurt, and now I am 5'10. So freshmen me and senior me are unrecognizable, maybe you could still recognize I still have a babyface. Aside from physical features, there have been so many things that have happened to me throughout my four-year chapter. I have had the opportunity to learn not just school work but valuable advice from a lot of my teachers. I got my drivers license in high school, and that gave me the realization that I was starting to grow up. I made lots of friends outside of my usual group, and some of the people I met were so special, and I learned a lot from them as well. Seeing myself come as a scared 14-year-old and now looking back as a 17-year-old senior, I don't regret any decisions or actions that I have made.

One thing that I learned in high school is don't be afraid to get involved. You are not the only one feeling that way; you think surrounded by people who think the same way. Everyone is trying to figure out who they are and what they want to do. Some might be interested in sports, some might be interested in theatre, no matter what you are interested in, you are no different. You are entitled to have your opinions and make your own choices, don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Being yourself and doing what you want to do is the most important thing to understand in high school. If I didn't believe in myself, and I participated in the things I wanted to do, who knows where I would be. Well, after a quick four years, but four years filled with memories, I will be starting a new journey. I am once again going to be freshmen, and I will still have that feeling of awkwardness when I enter my new home. The first time I step foot on my college campus is the start of a new chapter for me, but this time I have all high school advice and experience behind me.

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